Product Name: Filter Aid Perlite               Product code: 1800
Physical Properties
Color White
Loose weight Density 110 -125 kg \ m3
Filter Cake Density 230 -250 kg \ m3
Relative Flow rate * 400
Permeability ** 0.56 Approx. Darces ***
PH ( in water ) 6.5 – 7.5
Moisture ≤ 0.5 %
Retention U.S sieve No 140 ( 106 micron ) 5% - 7%


Antibiotics , phosphoric acid , sodium chloride , Corn syrup,vinegar , wastewater and many other uses.


- 15 kg Plastic Bag.

* The relative flow rate is a ratio of the cake thickness and time taken for a constant volume of water to pass through a constant mass of filter aid.
** The permeability cake is the ratio between the mass and the wet volume of the filter cake. A rule of thumb for perlite filter aids says that a higher cake density usually results from smaller particle size filter aid. To reduce the cake density the particle size of the filter aid must be increased.
*** A material having a permeability of 1 Darcy unit passes 1 ml per second per cm2 of a liquid of 1 centipoise viscosity through a cake of 1 cm thickness at a pressure differential of 1 atmosphere.
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